Friday 1 July 2011

The end of a very privileged chapter...

The final deadline has passed, the final degree project has been handed in and all that a waits is the final grade.
Fortunately for me, this has not just been what my degree is about. My degree has been about so much more than the grades we get on paper. The experiences I have been privileged too will stay with me forever.

I feel very few will really understand the chemistry that goes on between a group of people who work and design together day in day out. Ultimately we all have the same goal. A goal that goes beyond getting that 2.1. We are constantly striving to succeed in what we love doing. Although we all design and produce very different work we constantly rely on each other to iron out the immediate crinkles, for reassurance when going into the tutorial to stand up for what we believe in, and for pick me up chocolate fredos when we’ve had a bad day.

I will sorely miss the studio banter, stress and celebrations for I know I will never work in the same in environment again. Different yes, but most definitely not the same. I’m not sure I’ll ever get the chance to thank the others in my year group – as each and every one of them helped shaped me as the designer and creative person I am today.

Now I’m looking towards the future. We have our graduation ball in a few weeks, the last time we are all together – no doubt it will be an emotional affair. I just hope as a group of designers and friends we still maintain the connection to support each other in all the hurdles of the future.

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