Tied up in Knots

My aim of this project was to explore material layers, to create a wearable object. It developed into designing a piece that was made up of components, joined together to form a piece of jewellery.
My initial inspiration came from natural layers in nature, followed by explorations across a variety of materials. My main focus ended up being on acrylic plastic. I had not used plastic before and it was steep learning curve about how the material could be treated and manipulated. 
My final designs were all about free forming stripes of plastics, tying them in knots while they were still hot create a structure to be worn around the neck. I chose to use transparent materials to create depth and a glass-like effect within the piece.
I really enjoyed this project – particularly the reactions of views as to how it was made. I found creating a piece where the making process can provoke inquisitiveness was an exciting result to achieve.