Tuesday 26 July 2011

The first step in the right direction...

Graduation has come and gone. It was a fantastic weekend full of goodbyes and 'last times' - memories I'll cherish forever in the form of 600 photos. I wouldn't have changed any of it for the world. My mum cried when I put my gown on - saying it was like my wedding day (I sincerly hope not) and no one tripped up when walking across the stage, so all in all it was a lovely occassion.

Being on to grab the bull by the horns and going for it I am currently on day two of an internship I was offered the day before graduation. Working on an large event to be held in Birmingham, I am helping out with the visitor and exhibitor marketing. The daily commute is going to take some getting used too, but I'm enjoying working in an environment surrounded by people all working on events. It's rather refreshing and not that far from the atmosphere in the studios - infact very similar with people chatting and eating in between working. It is all very open plan, celebrations and frustrations can be heard from all over the place, with the only difference being people are all sat infront of computers instead of sketch books. My creativity is being some what used, though currently getting my head around the world of html. At least I can be reassured with the fact it is taking one step closer to where I (think) I want to be!

Tuesday 12 July 2011

The beginning of a very large chapter...

Our final degree results came in. 0.9 off a 2.1 HOW FRUSTRATING. I knew I was borderline, but to be so close. Super annoying. Though more in the sense that I know I worked my socks off, and I'd hate anyone to ever look at my grade and make a judgement of my efforts - I know I'm creative, professional and determined - just not the mark scheme style way.

Fortunately, the experience I've gained at University has taught me a lot and (I hope) make me employable. The big cross roads now is what do I want to do with a) the near future b) life. Both rather weighted options.

Having reflected in the last few days my answers would be some what as follows:

a)  1) Work to gain as much events expereince as possible over the summer then follow it up with a ski season in a high end chalet (a way of proving to future employers that I know what quality is but learning in my favourite environment)
     2) Throw myself into events now. I have found the most AMAZING company. http://www.fireball.co.uk/ - creative events for sporting companies. It's like a dream. Have applied for an intenship but as of yet not heard of anything.

b) Not being one to focus on specifics that can easily be changed - my general answer would be to be happy working in an environment that involves at least two of my three favourite things. 1) Creatvitiy 2) Events 3) Skiing

I guess its time to accept that I have entered the real world. Let the fun begin!

Sunday 10 July 2011

New Designers: The Aftermath

So there it is. We’ve packed up and gone home and it’s safe to say it has been a fantastic week. Before this week I thought I had my plans for the future all sorted – well to a point anyway but following the last five days I really have a lot to think about. Ultimately New Designers has made me realise how much I am going to miss simply designing for me. Having done it since Art GCSE – almost eight years ago it will be strange to no longer be working on a project. The feedback I have had has really opened up clear ways in which I want to develop my final project though for now this will be through drawings. As a close friend said to me I will always be a designer and will just have to make time to do it – simply for personal enjoyment. I still have quite a few opportunities to follow up that came from the show and fully intend on seeing them through. It will be exciting. I know my 1000’s of pieces project still has work to do before I can comfortably conclude it.
Stay tuned and watch this space.
The countdown to results has begun.

New Designers 2011: It's all about the networking

Following set up and the private view, the show was open to the public – working on a rota with the rest of my class we took turns to be at the stand. Following my mantra of the private view of ‘approach everyone’ I found myself talking to all sorts of people. When the event was open to the public you really could be talking to anyone. I have decided you can divide people into three categories: Teachers – very obvious characters, normally carrying a large bag, clipboard with a group of children in tow. Friends and Family of exhibitors – show an interest but ask superficial questions. At the last group – the category of people you can’t quite work out. They are normally the most interesting. Though it’s still safe to say I enjoyed talking to everyone about any aspect they were interested in – inspiration, process, future development and personal feelings about the course. I also enjoyed talking about others work – we had briefed each other, and being enthusiastic about work other than my own came to me much easier than I thought. I think it is because we have made the journey to this point together – so to some extent I felt I had a responsibility to them. I definitely felt that following New Designers I would be quite comfortable working at shows whether it be for my own work or someone else’s.

Friday 8 July 2011

New Designers 2011: Dipping my toes into the design industry...

I have fortunately been chosen to exhibit my final degree work (see 1000's of pieces) at the New Designers Event that takes place annually at the Business Design Centre in London. It is a graduate show where all the universities have a stand displaying their finest graduate work of the year.

The show opened on Wednesday and I must admit I was not ready for the intensity of it all. During set up it was tense, students eyeing up each others work and comparing outcomes as some stands clearly had a much larger budget than ours. Despite the intial tension once set up was complete I found it all rather exciting. The private and press view involved all 14 of us from Loughborough being on the stand and talking to every one who showed an interest. I actually found myself enjoying it - despite after 12 hours on my feet and it was really intresting talking to people from all sorts of creative walks of life. It has opened a huge trunk of new ideas and ways of developing my work - I really wish I had more time at Uni to see them out.

It became clear soon on, that the way to get people interested in your work was too approach them. I tried my hardest to greet everyone who came in to the stand and once they worked out I am a bit of a chatter box they would ask which my work was and it would go from there. Although probably only 1 in 10 people could possibly further my designs, I felt it was important to treat everyone the same and give them the same attention - you never know who they might be!


Think Green: Moving Image Fashion Day

Being the currently unemployed graduate seeking experience within the creative industry, I am jumping at any chance I get. So when an events company I am following on twitter posts that a dresser is needed for a fashion show in London - I reply honestly with " I have no experience as a dresser but would be super keen". and hey presto I get the gig. So armed with my map and a contact number I make my way to the Showroom Gallery on Penfold Street - and it's safe to say for an unpaid day of work it was fantastic.

Although a small show of three designers and five models and an even smaller back stage area I got a real insight to how a fashion show is run. From how to organise the clothes and running of the event to how to cope when designers don't show up and models get all diva on you. The day was really enjoyable and it was intresting to talk to the designers - who both had main stream jobs and recently converted to fashion (very comparable to descisions I have had to make myself in the past). It left me with alot to think about and also enthusiasm that although I didn't do an events degree there is still plenty of oppourtunity for me in the big wide world - I just have to go and find it!

To get more of an insight into the event take a peek at this:  http://nijimagazine.com/?p=9240

Friday 1 July 2011

The end of a very privileged chapter...

The final deadline has passed, the final degree project has been handed in and all that a waits is the final grade.
Fortunately for me, this has not just been what my degree is about. My degree has been about so much more than the grades we get on paper. The experiences I have been privileged too will stay with me forever.

I feel very few will really understand the chemistry that goes on between a group of people who work and design together day in day out. Ultimately we all have the same goal. A goal that goes beyond getting that 2.1. We are constantly striving to succeed in what we love doing. Although we all design and produce very different work we constantly rely on each other to iron out the immediate crinkles, for reassurance when going into the tutorial to stand up for what we believe in, and for pick me up chocolate fredos when we’ve had a bad day.

I will sorely miss the studio banter, stress and celebrations for I know I will never work in the same in environment again. Different yes, but most definitely not the same. I’m not sure I’ll ever get the chance to thank the others in my year group – as each and every one of them helped shaped me as the designer and creative person I am today.

Now I’m looking towards the future. We have our graduation ball in a few weeks, the last time we are all together – no doubt it will be an emotional affair. I just hope as a group of designers and friends we still maintain the connection to support each other in all the hurdles of the future.