Sunday 18 September 2011

New friends and new lessons.

The event is over - I had the most amazing time. The organising, the team work, the thrill of seeing it all run smoothly was a reality check that I really want to be in events.

 Life as an intern is nearly over - I'll be sad to leave - I really felt part of the team. Going into work, despite not getting paid, is something I look forward too - something I hope I can achieve in my next job. I felt it was a really awesome pinnacle to my time at the company. I'd like to think I'll keep in touch with everyone - informally (facebook) and formally (linked in), you know the way it is.  I've learnt something from all of them, things that can really help me further my career and with the desicions I might make in the near future.

I still find myself designing my jewellery in my head, - something at some point I'm going to have to get out of my head and on to paper - but now is just not the right time. I think it some what co-incides with the fact a lot of people I know are going back to uni - and I'm not. I'm in the inbetween stage - not fully settled so looking back at the familar times. But as I am told by a complete variety of people, I have to keep making desicions, that keep moving me forward, working towards where I want to be.

At this point, if I was to raise a toast it would be to new friends and the new things they have taught me. And that I hope they stick around to see out their advice.

If anyone was going to possibly listen to the advice I might give at this point, it would be that the people are just as important as the job - and that you can learn something from everyone. Make the most of the experience you are living.

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