Sunday 25 September 2011

The mysteries of vintage jewellery

Although I tend to harp on about making and designing jewellery, I do have a love for all types and genres of jewellery – from market jewellery in Monte Rochelle in Naples, Italy to one pieces found down Islington, London little side streets. Recently I aquired rather a large collection of jewellery that used to belong to my grandmother. Having sorted through over 400 pieces I thought I’d share a few of my favourite pieces.

Blue ceramic earrings with fresh water pearls
Brooch (cubic ziconia)

Clip earrings - beads and gemstones

It’s amazing to think where this collection has been worn – the stories that it could tell and does tell. Some of it dates back to my great grandmother, having lasted 3 generations. The lavish parties, the secret rendevous’, the scandal of two World Wars and birthdays, weddings and occasions these pieces have been worn at are more than intriguing. One day, when I have the time, I’d love to look over the old photo albums we have and connect the pieces to specific times, places and people.  I look forward to being able to wear some of the pieces and live new stories wearing them, keeping hte vintage magic alive for the future.

A small selection of over 400 pairs of earrings

Saturday 24 September 2011

Should I be there too?

I went to the Origin craft exhibition/fair that takes place annually in London today. It was slightly strange walking around an exhibition for the first time where I wasn't looking for inspiration or ideas for a new project. I was simply looking for what I enjoy and find exciting. The first thing I did notice was how few people are considering plastic - clearly the challenge of making acrylic beautiful is still one some people are not yet willing to take on.

Having been to the show for a few years I found this show bland. Few things popped out at me, really making me want to look closer. It was interesting, playing with the thoughts of how my work would have sat in the show - it would have stood out for sure - though seeing how designers where struggling to sell, and how expensive even the smallest tea cup cost it did confirm my decisions not to be my own designer, however much I want to dream.

Either way, I love design. I love creativity and I cannot wait to have enough money and my own house to create my own personal gallery of everything that I love. There is nothing better than wandering through design and appreciating the discussion it starts.

Sunday 18 September 2011

New friends and new lessons.

The event is over - I had the most amazing time. The organising, the team work, the thrill of seeing it all run smoothly was a reality check that I really want to be in events.

 Life as an intern is nearly over - I'll be sad to leave - I really felt part of the team. Going into work, despite not getting paid, is something I look forward too - something I hope I can achieve in my next job. I felt it was a really awesome pinnacle to my time at the company. I'd like to think I'll keep in touch with everyone - informally (facebook) and formally (linked in), you know the way it is.  I've learnt something from all of them, things that can really help me further my career and with the desicions I might make in the near future.

I still find myself designing my jewellery in my head, - something at some point I'm going to have to get out of my head and on to paper - but now is just not the right time. I think it some what co-incides with the fact a lot of people I know are going back to uni - and I'm not. I'm in the inbetween stage - not fully settled so looking back at the familar times. But as I am told by a complete variety of people, I have to keep making desicions, that keep moving me forward, working towards where I want to be.

At this point, if I was to raise a toast it would be to new friends and the new things they have taught me. And that I hope they stick around to see out their advice.

If anyone was going to possibly listen to the advice I might give at this point, it would be that the people are just as important as the job - and that you can learn something from everyone. Make the most of the experience you are living.

Sunday 11 September 2011

Welcome to the corporate world

My internship is coming to an end - concluding with the event we've all been working towards. I'm going to get my first experience of the real corporate world - I'm excited and slightly apprehensive but looking forward to it. I've not been able to be as creative as I want, but I've loved the organising, preparing and I have definitely learnt alot. I get on really well with the people I work with and that definitely shows what an important part your co-workers play in your job enjoyment.

I'm still trying to decide what next - I love being creative, and I still feel my final project has more that need to be developed. This is going to take time which, at the moment I dont necessarily have - given I am at the point where I need to earn money - but at the same time I want to keep my work current - and really need a plan to display and market it properly too. I have lots of options, but just need to decide what I really want to do.

Maybe after the event, I'll have a better idea of how I see myself - can I do corporate? If I ever did I would never conform to wearing trainers and suits. Somethings I have to draw the line at. Wish me luck!