Saturday 15 October 2011

Sacrifices for Design

Although slightly biased, I feel it safe to say that the design and creative world is one of the toughest career ladders climb.  Although I am very much at the bottom looking up, I feel this is still a very justified fact.  People in my graduating class, as far as I am aware are working harder than anyone else I know to find a job. Between us we’ve had to do internships, work for free, and take up a job that keeps the pennies coming in whilst designing on the side or in some cases move to a completely different country simply to get a foot on the ladder that takes us towards the dream.

I’m not even going to delve into the discussion of why this is, I’m more intrigued as to how much people are willing to give up to reach the dream. How far can you plan in advance in order to determine what you have to prepare yourself to give up? Or put up with? How does one decide what sacrifices to make in order to reach your goals? I started this summer in debt with myself, my parents and the student loans company. You’d imagine that one of my first priorities would be to start earning some money. But no, I found myself working 9-5 for free. At the beginning I did question why I was doing it. Now, 2 months on it not earning money was a very small sacrifice for what I have got out of it in return.

I wonder how much one person would give up for their dream? Relationships? Friendships? Can dreams have a value from which you determine how much they are worth? I know my friends and family would never want to think they have held me back. I’d like to think no matter how close the relationship I’d be supported no matter how far I'd have to travel. I think at this very transitional point in our lives we have to be selfish. I know I would never want to look back when I’m 40 and think the reason I wasn’t CEO was because I’d held back.

How much will have to be sacrificed? A lot I’m sure. It’s going to be full of hard work, difficult decisions and tough times. But I would like to think there are people there who have my back and I know the people out there who are working hard and sacrificing things to reach their dreams will most definitely get there in the end.

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