Motivation. A subject that until the last few months I
thought I knew the definition of. The definition is considered as “a reason or
reasons for acting or behaving in a particular way” though I feel desire to do
something should also come into the equation. We can and all have been
motivated at some point – but the challenge really comes into play when this
motivation has to last a lengthy period of time. This lengthy period of time
will ultimately vary between people and some may consider weeks of time to be
lengthy whereas other may consider months or years – it is something that is
put into perspective when you consider the subject in which you need to be
motivated. When you are considering the rest of your life – your job or you
career, you are considering a particularly long period of time. Can you be
motivated to design for this long period of time? What pushes you to get up every day and
design? To be creative, to be thinking of exciting things and pushing new
boundaries every day can be exhausting unless you really have factors driving
your passion.
I believe motivation has two fields that work in conjunction
to it; the factors that work with it and the factors that work against it. The factors that work with motivation can
come in both physical and emotional forms – whether it be those around you that
encourage you or the reward of the end result.
The far more difficult factors are those than can hinder your passion. Again,
I believe they come in both physical and emotional forms – when the people
around you have a negative approach to what you are doing, are derogatory
towards your work and are unsupportive in your passion it can prove a struggle
to find your motivation. Although it is usually said what knocks you down makes
you stronger, when it is a constant factor around you it can be draining. When
the reward seems unreachable it can be down heartening and de-motivating.
Whether you are in a creative field or not you will accept
the notion that for every success there are multiple knock backs. At these
times it is your motivation that keeps you going. It really is a test on your
passion and self discipline when your motivation and reasons and desires are negatively
challenged. How are you meant to cope with a difficult situation or set back
when what drives you to keep going is also tested?
This is what starts to set designers apart – having the
drive and determination to keep going even when the elements that inspire you
to design are tested is a skill that sets people apart. The passion you have to
design is there for a reason – some will say it is instilled in you and
therefore you can be the only one to really let go of it.